Estimate pricing for DBaaS on AWS

Check our prices for startups


On demand instances for Ireland:

Instances vCPU Memory (GB) USD per hour
m5.large 2 8 0.193
m5.xlarge 4 16 0.386
m5.2xlarge 8 32 0.771
m5.4xlarge 16 64 1.541
m5.8xlarge 32 128 3.082
m5.12xlarge 48 192 4.623
m5.16xlarge 64 256 6.164
m5.24xlarge 96 512 9.245
Region selector: Startup discount:
Instance Size Price ($/hr)
Storage type Price (per GB / month)
Network traffic Price (per GB)
$(document).ready(function() { let priceData let regionSelector = $('#cloudRegion') let discountSelector = $('#startupDiscount') // TODO Poner URL de Prod: '' $.getJSON('http://localhost:8591' + '/api/pricing') .done(function(data) { priceData = data // Paint Cloud Regions let regions = data.regions $.each(regions, function(regionID, regionDescription) { regionSelector.append(new Option(regionDescription, regionID)) }) paintEverything() }) regionSelector.change(function() { paintEverything() }) discountSelector.change(function() { paintEverything() }) function paintEverything() { $('#instancesTable > tbody:last-child').empty() $('#storageTable > tbody:last-child').empty() $('#networkTable > tbody:last-child').empty() $.each(priceData.productKeys, function(idx, productKey) { let itemType = productKey.item_type let itemName = let price = getPrice(itemName) if (itemType === 'instance') { $('#instancesTable > tbody:last-child').append('<tr><td>' + itemName + '</td><td>' + price + '</td></tr>') } else if (itemType === 'backup' || itemType === 'storage') { $('#storageTable > tbody:last-child').append('<tr><td>' + itemName + '</td><td>' + price + '</td></tr>') } else { $('#networkTable > tbody:last-child').append('<tr><td>' + itemName + '</td><td>' + price + '</td></tr>') } }) // } function getPrice(itemName) { let selectedRegion = regionSelector.find(":selected").val() let selectedDiscount = discountSelector.find(":selected").val() let allThePrices = priceData.prices //let discounts = priceData.discounts // TODO - take the real (not hardcoded) discounts fro the priceData.discounts structure let priceToReturn $.each(allThePrices, function(idx, price) { if (price.region === selectedRegion && === itemName) { let productPrice = price.price; if (itemName.includes('Instance')) { if (selectedDiscount === 'seed') { productPrice /= 1.8 } else if (selectedDiscount === 'early') { productPrice /= 1.4 } } priceToReturn = parseFloat(parseFloat(productPrice).toFixed(5)) return false } }) return priceToReturn } })

Reserved instances

1 year: 25% discount (upfront payment)
3 years: 50% discount (upfront payment)


0.095 USD (GB-month)

Data Transfer FEES

Type Fee
AWS Data Transfer (same region) $0.01/GB
AWS Data Transfer (different region) $0.02/GB
AWS Data Transfer (internet) $0.09/GB


Regular storage

from 20GB to 64TB: $0.127 (GB-month)

Provisioned IOPS Storage

Storage from 100GB to 64TB: $0.138 (GB-month)
Provisioned IOPS rate: $0.11 (IOPS-month)
It includes: Usage licese, software updates, 24x7 support and administration